Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cave of the Seven Sleepers / Leyenda de los 7 durmientes

A solo unos kilometros de Efeso nos encontramos con un lugar que tiene una leyenda relamente interesante creida por cristianos y musulmanes:
En la epoca en la que el cristianismo se propagaba en esta region, 250 DC, a 7 jovenes creyentes en el cristianismo les fue dado un tiempo para negar sus creencias, estos jovenes fueron a una cueva a rezar, como los romanos vieron que los jovenes no se habian arrepentido de sus creencias cristianas mandaron a sellar dicha cueva con los jovenes adentro. 240 anos despues la cueva fue descubierta por el porpietario del lugar. Ahi encontraron a los 7 jovenes los cuales despertaron pensando que se habian dormido por una noche. Los jovenes se sorprendieron al ver que el cristianismo era la religion oficial del imperio y que sus monedas estaban “fuera de circulacion” Los jovenes fueron entrevistados por el obizpo y rl emperador Teodosio II considero este hecho como resurreccion. El Koran hace referencia a esta historia.

On the way out of Efesus we ran across another site that we had originally not heard of, the Cave of the Seven Sleepers. The legend apparently is that seven young men, in trying to escape persecution as Christians during the reign of the Roman emperor Decius in 250 AD, gave their belongings to the poor and climbed up to a mountain cave to pray. The emperor, seeing that the men were not about to reject their faith and accept paganism ordered that the mouth of the cave be sealed with the men sleeping inside. Approximately 140 years later the landowner openned the cave to use it for his own purposes only to find the young men still asleep. They awoke thinking they had slept one day and when they tried to use the few coins they still carried on them to buy food in the market, the people realised that something was wierd! The local bishop interviewed the sleepers and was astonished to hear their story. The young men later died and were commemorated as the Seven Holy Sleepers.

This story known as Ashaab -e-Kahf in Islam appears in the Quran in Surah Al-Kahf (18, the Cave).

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